The multiple cuts in beer duty in recent years could ultimately help landlords and managers to make new investments in pub furniture and other fixtures and fittings.
Although cutting 'a penny off the pint' came in for some criticism as a headline-grabbing move that would mean little to the average Briton, there are clear signs that it is helping to reverse the damage done by the alcohol duty escalator in the preceding years.
Figures from the British Beer & Pub Association show that, between 2008 and 2013, beer duty rose by 42% and with VAT included in the calculations, the tax on a typical pint grew from 38p to 56p.
During that time, 24% less beer was sold - 6.7 million pints fewer every day - and 7,000 pubs closed, with the loss of nearly 60,000 jobs in the industry and obvious knock-on consequences for the wider economy in terms of spending and tax receipts.
Now, following several penny-per-pint cuts in beer duty in recent years, the industry is back to growth, and at the end of the first quarter of this year, sales were up by 1.5% over the past 12 months.
BBPA chief executive Brigid Simmonds says that, with the right conditions, there is the potential to encourage fresh investment and employment in the beer and pubs industry.
"The market is still fragile as the industry continues to recover from the damaging beer duty escalator and UK beer duty rates remain among the highest in the EU," she said.
"That is why we need the right tax policies so we can continue to boost jobs and create investment in an industry that employs 900,000 people and is worth £22 billion to our economy."
For many managers and landlords, it is likely that the return to growth might be the first opportunity in some time to invest in new fixtures and fittings, and to catch up on delayed refreshes of pub furniture.
Our furniture packages are a great place to start if you're in need of large quantities of matching bar furniture.
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